Preventing North Carolina Car Accidents through Analysis and Data
Tragic North Carolina car accidents often attract the attention of police, investigators, and sometimes the news media and general public.
But “near-miss” accidents attract the attention of practically no one at all – save for the drivers whose hearts skipped a few beats as they contemplated what could have just happened.
Chances are, you’ve been involved in a few “near-miss” situations yourself. There is a lot that you can learn from these situations – information that could be useful for helping you and other drivers avoid injury accidents and improve driving skills.
Accidents Are Aberrations
Odds are that drivers experience far more “near misses” than they do actual accidents. Since we don’t pay attention to these near misses, they are less salient, and we may tend to discount their relevance. In fact, it’s not uncommon for drivers who’ve just “nearly missed” getting into serious collisions to forget about what happened by the time they arrive home or at their destination.
But these near misses may hold powerful clues about your driving behavior, attitudes, and weaknesses. By attending to them – identifying what happened, who was involved, how you went wrong (or right), etc. – you can shore up your most glaring weaknesses and inculcate new, better, and safer behaviors.
How to Do It
The key is to collect data.
Every time you’re involved in a “near-miss” accident — after you stop driving and are in a safe place — write down exactly what happened in as much detail as possible. Identify more information than you think is necessary – dates, who was involved, how you felt before and afterwards, what you think caused it, etc.
Likewise, journal any time after anything extraordinary happens on the road. As a general point, the more information you have about your driving – and the more specific that information is – the more good data you can mune to understand your driving habits.
Why do this? Isn’t it time consuming and annoying?
Perhaps. But car accidents are one of the biggest non-disease killers of North Carolinians. So it’s worth your time to pay attention to and prevent auto disasters.
For help understanding actionable, specific tactics and strategies you can use to hold someone accountable for what happened to you, connect with a North Carolina auto accident law firm right now.
More Web Resources:
“Near-miss” accidents
Using journaling to understand and change your behaviors